If you took introductory physics, you learned about the “fundamental forces.” It goes something like this: All interactions ...
In this video I experiment with Lenz's Law And Faraday's Law of Induction to generate electricity and magnetic force fields ...
This heat drives convection cells within the liquid core, which keeps the liquid metal moving through the magnetic field. The so-called Coriolis force also plays a role in sustaining the ...
How a Generator Works When an electric current flows through a wire, it generates a three-dimensional magnetic force field around the wire, similar to that surrounding a bar magnet. Magnets are ...
Gravitational forces that make things fall down to the ground – unless another force stops them. An apple falling from a tree falls straight down. A ball thrown up, comes back down. And so do we ...
Combining calculations with experiments, researchers found that the Casimir force can be tuned over a large parameter space (magnetic field magnitude, distance between gold spheres and substrate ...
One field matched the magnetic force of a site in the Gulf of Mexico and was associated with food (the “rewarded” field), while the other simulated the magnetic flux of a site near New ...
It has an invisible magnetic field. Only certain materials, such as iron, feel a magnetic force. Permanent magnets can come in lots of different shapes and sizes. Bar magnets and horseshoe magnets ...
Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM) is a scanning probe microscopy technique ... MFM is based on the detection of magnetic interactions between a magnetized probe tip and the magnetic fields emanating ...
It’s something [mircemk] demonstrates, with an Arduino-powered magnetic field strength meter that uses a UGN 3503U Hall effect device. The circuit is extremely simple, comprising the sensor ...