Learn what planet rains molten iron and which planet has two moons like Tatooine in Star Wars.
HH 49/50 is one of these impact sites. It was nicknamed the "Cosmic Tornado" due to its dramatic, swirling shape. Spitzer's ...
Two elderly residents of Sardinia, a certified Blue Zone. Photo: Claudine Doury/Agence VU’/Redux It is exceptionally hard to ...
The massive annual spring migration of America's birds – millions of them – is underway. Here's how to follow along at home.
Peak bird migration is about to start in Colorado and around the country. Here are tools for tracking and identifying the millions of migrants.
Meteorites are rocks from space that survive their fiery descent through Earth's atmosphere and reach the ground. More than ...
Where do meteorites of different type come from? In a review paper, astronomers trace the impact orbit of observed meteorite falls to several previously unidentified source regions in the asteroid ...
NASA’s AWE mission just released millions of gravity wave images from space, unveiling atmospheric forces that ripple through ...
Using the Green Bank Telescope (GBT), astronomers have detected a new giant molecular cloud in the Milky Way galaxy. The ...