A nonprofit provider of housing, care and support services for older adults and one of the St. Louis region's largest ...
Lutheran Senior Services, the eleventh largest nonprofit aging services provider in the country, is proud to announce that it is rebranding as EverTrue. This significant change reflects the ...
The 100th anniversary of the formation of the Oklahoma District of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod will be celebrated with a special worship service on May 19 at St. John's Lutheran Church ...
Despite his Romish ways, Father Kreinheder, 57, has a deeply rooted Lutheran faith; his father was a Missouri Synod pastor, and his mother’s family founded a Lutheran congregation near ...
First English (FELC) was established in 1927. FELC is a member of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. FELC wanted to be able to attend Worship in English, as they did not have an English-speaking ...
Cumberland Crossings in Carlilse is one of four Lutheran Senior Services communities in Pennsylvania rebranding as EverTrue.