Buck, the German Shepherd, becomes a gentle giant as he lovingly protects his adorable flock of newly hatched chicks.
Bringing a new baby home to your fur children can bring a few challenges or it can also create the most beautiful love story ...
Sometimes, it's really hard to predict whether or not adding a puppy to your family is a good idea until you actually take ...
German Shepherd puppies, Cleo and Delta ... The larger one took a little more patience, but eventually, hunger led her to come out far enough for me to grab her," Larson explains.
3 German Shepherd Intelligent ... Yorkshire Terriers are big dogs in small bodies. They are friendly and spunky pets that are ideal for individuals who have little space to provide.
This habit started a year ago when Bodhi was ill; now his owner thinks "he likes the attention" and being pampered ...
Officers raided Steven Brown's property in Ashgill, Lanarkshire, where they retrieved a baseball bat, metal pipes smeared ...
Steven Brown was caught on CCTV committing terrible crimes against dogs. And he was later caught again on CCTV taking revenge ...
Charlie underwent FHO surgery for hip dysplasia. As she recovers, she is searching for a family that can support her needs while embracing her lively personality.
Tonight, 12 out of the 17 dogs have been welcomed into a new home. A little German shepherd girl enjoyed the sunshine and got some well needed rest as her new family loved and embraced her.
From left: Bodhi the rescue German shepherd is spoon-fed by ... to eat his food and then giving him small bites from a spoon to make sure the dog ate. Now, she said she fears she has "created ...
cats and small animals in the Monadnock region.Charlie, a 1-and-a-half-year-old German Shepherd, is one of the shelter's dogs patiently waiting for her forever home.Full of life, love and a bit of ...