Each light source is controlled via an Arduino which takes its direction from [Marou’s] infrared remote. While the idea isn’t new, the implementation is pretty cool. At first we were expecting ...
Though he received degrees from the University of Michigan and returned as a professor, Stephen Forrest’s path began at a ...
In low-bandwidth applications, fiber optic cable transmits data using one color of light. There’s a way to get more bandwidth out of a fiber optic cable, as [Shahriar] found out while ...
This article examines the impending generational shift in connection technology toward fiber optic systems and the new ...
A thin strand of glass designed for light transmission ... According to KMI Corporation, specialists in fiber optic market research, by the end of 1990 there were approximately eight million ...
Cramming more than double the number of chips into the same space over two years will require massive feats of engineering ...