You can send us your community fish fry information to [email protected]. Missouri. Organizers with Music on the Mississippi in ...
A 17-year-old student has been accepted into more than 60 colleges and awarded over $1 million in scholarships, bringing him ...
They can walk out there and take selfies on the stage with no audience,” Shoremount said. “It will be an awesome experience for the kids to have applause, especially with the kids from the other ...
International students are coveted as an antidote to declining domestic enrollment and source of full-price tuition payments.
The Democratic Party of Virginia has made one thing clear — it’s willing to use public education as a tool in its fight to ...
GRAND ISLAND, Neb. (KSNB) - Kids at Starr Elementary School in Grand Island had a good time jumping, singing and showing off ...
Of all the things parents teach their kids about adulthood that are actually lies, the idea that they’ll “just know” when ...
# “The Bahamas Junior Certificate examinations in grade nine show that, from 2016 to 2020, on average, more than 30 percent of the students sitting for the exams failed to achieve the expected ...
State lawmakers want to ban students from K-12 from using their wireless devices during the school day, but the plan is ...
The bill would do away with restrictions on 16- and 17-year-olds, who would be able to work more than eight hours a day on school nights.
Major League Baseball issued a 62-page report in December that showed how the focus on throwing with increased velocity and ...