Centered on the table is the seder plate, which consists of the symbolic foods for the holiday. Non-symbolic classics for a seder include matzo balls in chicken soup, gefilte fish (a dish made from a ...
The hotel opened in 2022, with 250 rooms and it is committed to sustainability and uses energy-efficient systems and ...
Stir in garam masala, turmeric and remaining 1/2 tsp. salt. Add 1 Tbsp. oil. Sauté 1 minute, then add potatoes and green ...
Also in attendance were Deputy Chief Rabbi of the IPS, Rabbi Gavriel Ezra, Head of Kashrut Department, Rabbi Shmuel Ben-Harosh, and Head of Emergency and Burial Affairs, Rabbi Menachem Yaakobzon.
For example, they do not see the rules of Kashrut (Kosher) or sexual modesty as being relevant today, because they do not conform to their moral outlook. They seek to remake the Jewish religion ac ...
Although just 23, Eitan Sylvester is a gracious host, stopping at each table to say hello, and asking for feedback about the ...
From the get-go, kashrut certification was an important consideration. The Sharons were also dedicated to keeping their products pareve/vegan, so that their chocolates can be eaten and shared ...
Today, commercially produced foods and beverages are certified by a kosher certification agency. But when are chicken eggs ...
Banun encouraged the Jewish leaders to teach their communities to continue on the path of Torah, kashrut, tradition, education, and all aspects of Judaism, not just in Turkey but around the world.
Special emphasis is dedicated to ensuring that every base has a “Scroll of Esther” written on parchment.The post Purim for every IDF soldier appeared first on