Karl Marx “did not advocate violence or political ... who thinks the patient who suffers from a toothache needs his feet removed. The Manifesto consists of one oversimplification after another ...
Travel logs give their readers the desire to travel, or they give those who do not want to travel a vicarious experience that will enrich them, helping them escape from their isolated, boring life. So ...
Wealth is often accompanied with notions of superiority.
In a world where political activism encroaches more and more on every area of life, it s worth understanding why Alinsky s ...
In my 30 years service there have been numerous instances where I’ve held opposing views to those of Members of Parliament (MPs). As far as the public were concerned, they had no opportunity to speak ...
“Stand on your feet, Sheldon.” Getting off the desk ... “We thought you—Marx, you know, like Karl Marx. The Marx Brothers. Those guys are all—M-a-r-x. Isn’t that how you spell it ...