CLEVELAND, Ohio (WOIO) -Today, Cleveland Mayor Justin Bibb released his 2024 progress report as he heads into the final year of his four year term. The report highlights several successes but does ...
The second-youngest person elected to serve as mayor of Cleveland, Justin Bibb has striven to revitalize the city’s southeast side, increase resources for unhoused residents and enhance public safety.
3News investigative reporter Peter Fleischer sat down exclusively with Cleveland Mayor Justin Bibb to learn more about the deal and address past complaints that the department didn’t pay well ...
Mayor Justin Bibb touted waterfront development momentum and crime reduction along with other 2024 milestones in an annual report released last week. Why it matters: The mayor is eager to ...
CLEVELAND, Ohio - Cleveland’s paramedics and EMTs are asking City Hall to beef up hiring for Cleveland EMS, saying that Mayor Justin Bibb’s proposed budget leaves the department understaffed.
CLEVELAND — Cleveland City Council hearings for the annual city budget began Tuesday, and Mayor Justin Bibb was there to present his $2.1 billion proposal for 2025. In the nearly 450-page ...