The Tennessean's letters reflect the views of the authors and add to public discourse. At issue: A rebuttal to Rev. Martin ...
At the time, ‘kill them with kindness” sounded like good advice—a way to counter hostility with grace. Had I actually known ...
We didn’t celebrate Lent when I was growing up. Maybe our leaders felt that, as Pentecostals, we already abstained from so ...
Dangerous hope — trust, wonder and love — is where we live our relationship with God and with one another.
A commitment to compassion defies fear and, in love, demands we always tell the truth, even when it’s hard or risky.
This is one of my favorite shows of all time,” said Matthew Fulkerson, who regularly drives some 80 miles one-way from his ...
Love is said to be blind because it covers a multitude of wrongdoing. That is another reason why it hurts. It hurts to ...
Today, an entire genre of Christian rock exists to mix praise with modern music. But in 1970, it was unheard of until Andrew ...
Life is full of ups and downs, and our emotions often shift like the tide. One moment, we may feel full of faith and joy, and ...
Bombs and bullets invite more bombs and bullets, anger and fury invite more anger and fury, domination demands revolution.
Now, imagine a soldier standing in such desolation, reading today's Gospel words: "But I say to you: Love your enemies and ...