A retired Air Force colonel will assume the role of chief executive officer on March 18, allowing three weeks of transition ...
The bill creates workload requirements at bases across the country, such as the Rock Island Arsenal.
Alton's multimillion-dollar innovation hub will be led by a former U.S. Air Force colonel.
For more than a century, Fort Benning’s name honored a Confederate general who supported slavery. The military changed the ...
Fast-moving brush fires fanned by high winds burned through a large swath of land on New York's Long Island on Saturday, ...
At a former American air base in southern Vietnam, work abruptly stopped last month on efforts to clean up tons of soil ...
Madison County veteran Larry Miller is in the VFW after service in Vietnam and other place as a USAF Senior Master Sergeant ...
Charles C. Rogers was awarded the Medal of Honor by President Richard Nixon in 1970. But a profile of the Vietnam War veteran ...
YOKOTA AIR BASE, Japan — Japanese police are investigating a bomb threat against this key U.S. military hub in western ... and lived in Australia and Illinois growing up. She holds a journalism ...
Illinois Secretary of State Alexi Giannoulias ... will be needed for people 18 or older to fly domestically and to visit military bases, federal courthouses and other U.S. government sites.