Seminole was the first local government in the state to impose financial penalties on residents who fail to secure their trash.
After the county enacted strict new rules on residential garbage, Seminole saw a sharp decrease in human-bear encounters last ...
Colorado experienced record-high volumes of conflict between bears and humans last year.  While human-bear conflict increased ...
What if expiration dates could tell us more than when something goes bad? Scientists have found that dates on plastic food ...
ChatGPT can put words in front of other words, but it can't add meaning to them without intent.
Whether you see someone litter on purpose or on accident you can be a great citizen and tell them to pick it up. If you do, ...
Debris produced by human activity has now been spotted at a depth of 5,112 meters (3.2 miles) in the Mediterranean Sea.
Black bear mating season takes place during the summer, but embryos do not begin to develop until the mother bear enters her den. Cubs are born in the middle of the winter denning period, usually ...
As the weather warms, thousands of hungry black bears across northern Michigan will leave their dens and go hunting for food.
With unseasonably warm temperatures in early March in Steamboat Springs, at least five different yearling or adult male black ...
As the weather warms, thousands of hungry black bears across northern Michigan will leave their dens and go hunting for food ...
A new book shows how residents of wealthier nations are jeopardizing the health and safety of other parts of the planet.