The Nigerian meat pies are delicious pastries filled with minced meat, potato and carrots. The pastry is slightly flaky and very rich in flavor, the filling is moist and very flavorful.
First make the filling ... roll out the pastry to a 7-8mm/1/3in thickness. Cut a 2cm/¾in strip of pastry. Dampen the edges of the rim of the pie dish with water. Stick the pastry strip onto ...
This rough puff is an easier version of the full puff pastry, but no less delicious. Make double and freeze half to make my leftovers pie in an instant. Place the flour, salt and butter in a large ...
Frozen pastry will sometimes be ... leave it to rest in the fridge before making your pies. This means the filling will have set and be thicker and the meat will be more relaxed and tender.
Mince pie is a sweet British pie stuffed with a mix of dry fruits, apples and brandy. Mix all the ingredients for mince meat together and use it as a filling. 2. To make the pastry, rub 225g cold, ...
Who needs a plate if you have a pie? This versatile pastry has accommodated fruit, meat and fish throughout the centuries and ...