Lameness is one of the main symptoms of navicular in horses and both front feet are usually affected, which can make it ...
In the case described in the Equine Veterinary Education Journal, x-rays and hoof testers were not able to predict the location of a subsolar abscess in this horse's foot ...
Want to know how this technique can benefit your horse or how to recognize hind end tension? Drop your questions below . @bella.equinebodywork . . #BellaEquineBodywork #EquestrianLife #HorseLover ...
The way uveitis affects eyes – and the way the treatment works – is similar in horses and people, said Joesph Larkin, associate professor in the UF/IFAS microbiology and cell science department.
When startled, a horse can make sudden movements and try to run off, resulting in possible pulled muscles, torn tendons, skin damage or eye injury. There are a variety of treatment options for ...