Plessy Vs. Ferguson was held in 1896, and was about an African American Homer Plessy who boarded a train in New Orleans. The final ruling of the landmark case held that racial segregation was ...
Some notable parishioners were Homer Plessy (plaintiff in the Plessy v. Ferguson “separate but equal” case), Sidney Bechet (jazz musician) and Venerable Henriette Delille (founder of Sisters ...
Homer Township Supervisor Steve Balich said his first-term highlights include completing necessary repairs using grants for the township-owned senior housing complex and building a $2.2 million ...
LINCOLN, Neb. -- Oakland-Craig’s Sonya Guzinski tied the Nebraska Class C-2 tournament record with seven 3s, out of 12 attempts, in a 68-43 win over Homer in the quarterfinals Thursday at the ...
There’s a classic episode of The Simpsons in which Homer gets a gun. He thinks his awesome gun is great for everything: home defense, opening beer bottles, whatever. When Marge says she doesn ...