The internet's decided that a nice, brawny mustache would do much better for good old Superman. Inspiration for the latest Superman meme comes thanks to news that actor Henry Cavill's mustache ...
The Lawnmower Man, Sharknado, and Cats are all among the worst movies with shockingly, hauntingly awful computer generated imagery and effects.
Some action movies simply baffle the mind with how idiotic they are, with films like Moonfall, Gymkata, and iBoy being some ...
Is Henry Cavill the next Captain Britain? A viral video has fans wondering if Marvel just dropped a major hint.
After the DCU cut short the superhero dreams of Henry Cavill, the MCU swooped in for a multiversal jab to fuel the ...
Henry Cavill rubbed shoulders with the royals as he attended the last day of Cheltenham Festival on Friday. The Superman star met with King Charles beloved niece Zara Tindall and her husband Mike ...