When the carcasses of headless baby harbor seals began emerging on the Northern California coastline close to a decade ago, researchers hadn’t seen anything like it before. The thick mats of ice plant ...
Watch a special video of a harp baby seal calling out for it’s mom ... which gradually fades as they grow older. Adult seals, especially males, use underwater vocalizations, akin to a “roar”, to ...
The snag is this involves figuring out how to work with all kinds of contraptions, like gears, bridges, hatches, and even a harp that makes an otherwise ... they’re not dead inside), such as a seal ...
Harp seals typically are found in icy parts of the Arctic and North Atlantic oceans, but one made it all the way to New ...
“We typically see juveniles and two-to-three year-olds, but are sometimes graced by the beautiful black and white adult Harp seals on our beaches. These seals are named for the dark harp-shaped ...