The DEC says seals can rest for hours in the same spot, as long as they're healthy and showing no signs of injury.
Monterey, California, is home to insatiably curious and playful harbor seals. Here's what it's like when they're zipping ...
A BDMLR CI spokesperson asked the public to keep dogs away from the seal if he comes ashore again and to keep their distance ...
The National Aquarium's Animal Rescue team has announced that they have rescued four seal pups, which are currently being treated at the National Aquarium Anima ...
Staff at the National Aquarium Animal Care and Rescue Center are rehabilitating four young grey seals, hitting the center’s ...
The National Aquarium Animal Rescue team are working through their busiest local seal rescue season in years, with four ...
A baby grey seal was found in rough shape at a beach in a Delaware state park, photos show. She looked thin and had a large wound on her left side, so rescuers with the Marine Edu ...
The baby male gray seal was discovered Sunday near the downtown of New ... Police officers had received a call at around 2:20 p.m. about a possibly injured seal pup, according to Bruckhart. Officers ...