The odd girl out'. 'Pretending to be normal'. 'Standing on the outside looking in'. These are just some of the ways autistic ...
For example, I have heard the story of one young woman who was wrongly diagnosed as bipolar and ... line’ that autism was much more common in boys. There were autistic girls, but they were ...
High-masking autistics are at risk for burnout and other mental health challenges. Learn to recognize the signs and functions ...
A recent study from Northwestern University has uncovered a genetic factor that may play a key role in autism. Researchers found that a specific gene affects how brain cells form connections during ...
Throughout her career, Olympic rower Caragh McMurtry faced challenges she now understands as characteristic of her autism.
HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) -- An 8-year-old girl with autism is confirmed dead after drowning in a southwest Houston retention pond on Monday evening. According to the Houston Police Department ...
Kim Kardashian and her kids, whom she shares with Kanye West, are deeply concerned because of Kanye West’s downward mental ...
So, HuffPost UK reached out to Dr Elembaby again for the signs of autism in young girls rather than adult women, which the expert says often “get missed.” What are the signs of autism in girls?
Kim Kardashian is alarmed by Kanye West’s actions and seeks an emergency custody hearing for kids. She’s upset over his ...
Ye would refer to himself as ‘God’, that was tough … But it’s hard for me to take his complaining serious now because his values don’t align with his ...