Some Long Island girls are opting for Scouting America over Girl Scouts for reasons including a focus on the outdoors.
The newest quarter in the American Women Quarters Program honors the contributions of Juliette Gordon Low, founder of Girl ...
Senior Mariner Girl Scout 361 member Madelaine Archer received the prestigious Gold Award during a special ceremony held ...
Virginia Skyline Girl Scouts are taking cookie orders and setting up cookie booths around the area. Thin Mints, Samoas, Tagalongs, Do-si-dos, and more are available. Sales end March 31. To order ...
"This is an example of the unique leadership opportunities Girl Scouts provide. We are building future leaders—civically engaged individuals who will become voters and advocates, not only for ...
Girl Scouts World Thinking Day occurs on February 22nd of each ... Provide these types of cues to troop leaders so that they can help their girls research and prepare for Thinking Day. Select and plan ...
Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting can be the magic thread which links the girls of the world together.” Juliette Gordon Low, ...
STERLING - Clare Fisher, 96, of Sterling, speaks with members of Girl Scouts Troop 65179 about her Girl Scouts experiences at the Sterling/Princeton Service Unit International Day festivities, held ...
Chanting “Smokey Bear says ‘don’t you dare’” and “Save Our National Parks,” Girl Scouts from local Scout Troop 65026 gathered at Libbey Park to show their support for national parks on March 6.
And my mom was my troop leader!" The picture, taken in the 1980s, shows Meghan wearing her brown Girl Scout uniform with a red necktie, and snaps of Archie as a baby and a toddler, show how much ...
The decision, which ends a 110-year partnership, left some people in disbelief, including Cincinnati Girl Scout Troop Leader Andrea Bohlen. “I had no idea that these issues were even going on ...