This should not shift the focus of the potential health hazard posed, but rather draw attention to where volatile PFAS are ...
There are 4 main types of multiple sclerosis (MS), which differ based on how the disease has progressed. The treatment options and long-term outlook can depend on your MS type. Multiple sclerosis ...
The NEW 7010B Triple Quadrupole GC/MS is the latest version of the first compact benchtop Triple quad (MS/MS) system to provide attogram detection limits in Electron Ionization (EI) mode. The ...
Shimadzu expanded its Brevis GC-2050 model into a full lineup of compact gas ... The company also introduced a new lineup of triple quadrupole mass spectrometry instruments that include enhanced ...
R. China Based on high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS), nontarget analysis (NTA) can rapidly identify and characterize numerous hazardous substances in complex environmental samples. However, the ...
The Agilent 7000B Quadrupole GC/MS/MS is the most powerful trace detector for target analysis in complex matrices. MS/MS provides increased selectivity and sensitivity, reduces or simplifes sample ...
Multiple sclerosis (MS) causes a specific type of damage, called demyelination, to the central nervous system, including the spinal cord. MS is a neurological disease. It causes the immune system ...
In the first part of this webinar, Kirk will talk about headspace sampling and GC-MS measurement of residual solvents using the JEOL JMS-Q1500GC quadrupole GC-MS system, and how the technique can meet ...
Reliable analytical workflows are essential to ensure the safety and quality of our food and environment. However, laboratories often face challenges with precision, sensitivity and time efficiency, ...