Reports that a student at Preston Junior High School had a weapon are a hoax, authorities say. Franklin County Sheriff’s ...
Due to the circumstances of the shooting, police said they will be referring the case to the Franklin County Prosecutor's ...
S. Morton St. and Nineveh St.: An officer reported at 11:26 p.m. Friday that a hit and run had occurred, officers later found ...
Flopped on his back to expose his stomach and a bent Bark ID, the Buckeye Paws certified ... Darrah Metz of the Franklin County Sheriff's Office, oversees the department's therapy K-9 program.
City Herald received the 2024 Toby Nixon Award for its long-standing commitment to using public records to shine a light on stories about crime, government, business and more by the Washington ...
South African officials say a member of a research team at an isolated Antarctica base has been put under psychological ...
The governor's office says rainfall and early spring runoff in Fourth of July Creek have caused damage to flood prevention ...
The Idaho House on Wednesday widely passed a bill on a party-line vote to deregulate child care centers in hopes of ...
At long last, downtrodden DePaul was finally about to produce its own indelible moment at the Big East Tournament.