In der Nacht brennt ein Umspannwerk in der Nähe des Grossflughafens. Etliche Flüge werden am Morgen umgeleitet. Passagiere ...
The project aims to optimize operations team and warehouse capacity to reduce waiting times and unnecessary storage fees.
Worldwide Flight Services (WFS), a SATS company, has launched a pilot project with global logistics provider Kuehne+Nagel to ...
K+N and WFS ave developed a trucking control tower to speed up the handling of the forwarder's cargo at Frankfurt Airport ...
Early results show improvements in air cargo delivery times, supported by a trucking control tower set up for the pilot.
Frankfurt airport operator Fraport AG is increasingly relying on airports it manages outside Germany for revenue due to weak ...
More passengers will travel through Germany's largest airport in Frankfurt this year than in 2024, but traffic will still be ...
Im Hub Operation Center am Flughafen München steuern die Mitarbeiter die Abläufe. Sie haben alles im Blick. Auch gestrandete ...
More than half a million people are facing travel disruption at German airports on Monday where a 24-hour strike has led to thousands of flight cancellations in a dispute about workers' pay.
German trade union Verdi has called a 24-hour strike on March 10, disrupting operations at Frankfurt Airport and other major German airports. Employees from the public sector and ground handling ...
Travel disruptions are expected. Trade union Verdi on Friday said workers at Frankfurt Airport and 10 other German airports are set to go on strike on Monday. Airports involved in Monday's strike ...
Die VerkehrsRundschau ist eine unabhängige und kompetente Abo-Fachzeitschrift für Spedition, Transport und Logistik und ein tagesaktuelles Online-Portal. bietet aktuelle ...