Climate scientist Tom Di Liberto had dreamed of working ... and even deeper cuts are expected imminently. "This is the dream job -- everything I want to do with my life," Di Liberto told AFP.
Climate scientist Tom Di Liberto had dreamed of working ... and even deeper cuts are expected imminently. "This is the dream job -- everything I want to do with my life," Di Liberto told AFP.
Some federal scientists were unexpectedly rehired in the weeks after the firings. Still others may get their jobs back. But many researchers say the upheaval has already taken a toll. Thousands of ...
A forensic scientist with Queensland Police has been questioned about what she uncovered when she first visited Toyah Cordingley's burial site, the day the 24-year-old's body was discovered on ...
How Much Does an Epidemiologist/Medical Scientist Make? Epidemiologists or ... See current salary offers for jobs in your field. 300,000 225,000 150,000 75,000 ...