The House Judiciary Committee unanimously approved the 'Forensic Science Integrity Act' in response to the Missy Woods DNA ...
Sgt. Mark Baserman’s SCI-Somerset colleagues’ eyes filled with tears Wednesday in court, recalling the moment they found him beaten and bloodied in 2018. And the Windber-based forensic pathologist who ...
A billboard marks the spot where 9-year-old Asha Degree was last seen alive. For years, her bright eyes have gazed out at ...
During Wednesday afternoon's testimony, the jury heard from the forensic pathologist, Curtis Goldblatt, who performed Sgt.
When asked by a social media user who was responsible for the error, the forensic expert pointed to the Philippine National ...
The chief technology officer of a nationally respected computer forensics company in Minnesota is under investigation by the Hennepin County Attorney’s Office for allegations he has lied about his ...