FLINT, Mich. (WNEM) - Water rates for residents are going up in Flint, but some Flint city leaders want to step in so no one living in the city would see higher water bills. Several of those city ...
FLINT, MI -- The Michigan Department of Attorney General is reviewing a Flint City Council candidate’s billboard advertising to determine whether she violated state election law. Beverly Biggs ...
For weeks the Flint Inner City Youth Hockey program has been teaching kids from the City of Flint the fundamentals of ice skating and hockey. All the hard work the players put in led up to the ...
Nagpur city police sealed two shops in Mominpura, rented to Sheikh Ashrafi Farooq and Shaheen Hamid, after discovering their use by rioters. The Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) is now ...
As the world marks International Seal Day on Saturday, the Two Oceans Aquarium and the City of Cape Town have teamed up to ensure residents know what to do when they encounter a seal in distress.