While it isn’t inherently bad to give your dog extra food, it can lead to harmful outcomes. While chubby dogs are often seen ...
Howl-lelujah! Dogs and humans are fatter than ever — it’s no surprise that overweight people tend to have overweight dogs.
A gene that makes Labradors more likely to overeat is the same gene found in obesity-prone humans, according to new research. Scientists have discovered that changes to a particular gene, that’s ...
Learn more about a gene called DENND1B, an obesity gene humans and Labrador retrievers share.
Researchers have discovered genes linked to obesity in both Labradors and humans. They say the effects can be over-ridden with a strict diet and exercise regime.
The researchers noted that dogs with a high genetic risk of weight gain did not necessarily become obese if they followed a ...
Obesity genes that cause dogs to pile on the pounds have been identified, with the same genes associated with obesity in ...
Researchers studying British Labrador retrievers have identified multiple genes associated with canine obesity and shown that ...
Dogs are a good model for studying human obesity because they develop obesity through similar environmental influences as ...
Gene that regulates energy balance shared by lab retrievers and humans, but researchers say effects can be over-ridden with a ...