Itchy skin, or pruritus, can result from conditions like eczema or dermatitis. Less commonly, it can stem from conditions such as kidney failure and liver disease. Some causes of itching affect ...
Alopecia areata, ringworm, and chemotherapy are among the most common causes of a bald spot or patch in the beard. Treatment can vary depending on the underlying cause of a bald patch in the beard.
It’s strange to think that I got through my teens without pimple patches. Now, if I feel an angry zit developing, I pop on a pimple patch for a few hours and let it pull the nastiness out of my ...
You can put on a bright yellow star-shaped patch, a purple butterfly, or another whimsical shape to cover your pimples. It’s not unusual to see people walking around with colorful acne stickers ...
The soldiers who run the daily garrison details of nearly every Army base are swapping shoulder patches this week. In a series of “patching ceremonies,” garrison headquarters units at a wide ...
It’s all hands on deck at Atlas Embroidery and Screen Printing in Dania Beach, where roughly 100 employees began working through the night, printing the newest sports gear after the Eagles ...
Though pesky bumps are normal, they can be painful, distracting and embarrassing. Pimple patches won’t banish acne forever, but they can help those one-off blemishes that seem to erupt out of ...