As you might have guessed, given that Hough is a seismologist for the USGS, the study she and her team recently published in ...
But Susan Hough, a seismologist at the U.S. Geological Survey, wonders if there might be a less ethereal but no less intriguing possibility: Is the source of the Summerville Light a phenomenon known ...
PM last night, a 5.0 magnitude earthquake shook the Borderland and southern New Mexico, with tremors felt across multiple communities. According to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the quake's ...
Reeves County was rocked Friday night by 5.0 and 2.6 earthquakes, which were felt in El Paso, New Mexico and Lubbock. Here's what we know.
In a new research article, a seismologist argues that earthquakes are the reason for the mysterious lights associated with a ...
Parts of Northern and Southern California have felt light shaking from earthquakes early this week. Here's how strong they ...
A South Carolina ghost story could have a very earthly explanation.
The epicenter for all the quakes was about one mile east of Hayward, in San Francisco’s East Bay, according to the U.S.
Cayman Islands earthquake: a 4.3 magnitude tremor that tested local emergency systems and led to improved disaster ...