Earth's northern hemisphere warms up literally for the astronomical start to spring. Here's what to know about the season.
"Such a transition to a glacial state in 10,000 years' time is very unlikely to happen, because human emissions of carbon ...
The vernal equinox heralds the arrival of spring in the Northern Hemisphere (finally). But have you heard the myth about ...
For the past four months, we’ve been on standard time. But overnight Saturday, we’ll turn our clocks ahead one hour at 2 a.m.
Of course, spring means that our clocks ‘spring forward’. In 2025, our clocks go forward in the early hours of Sunday 30 ...
An artist’s concept of the famous Wolf-Rayet 104 “pinwheel star,” previously nicknamed the “Death Star.” New research ...
Obliquity refers to Earth's tilt. Imagine ... between 22.1 and 24.5 degrees approximately every 40,000 years. Precession refers to the "wobble" of this rotational axis. Let's go back to that ...
New research led by W. M. Keck Observatory Instrument Scientist and astronomer Grant Hill has confirmed what scientists have long suspected—WR 104 comprises two massive stars: a Wolf-Rayet star and an ...
As Earth's ever-present celestial companion, the moon exerts a constant influence on our planet, and its disappearance would ...
Earth's axis is currently tilted at a 23.5-degree angle away from vertical as it rotates around the sun, affecting how much solar energy hits each of the poles, in particular. But the tilt of Earth's ...
As you know, we just observed the start of Daylight Saving time. Hopefully, you remembered to turn your clocks ahead an hour. Good thing we have smart phones, right? If you haven’t checked the ...