Brookhaven National Laboratory have discovered a new phase of matter while studying a model system of a magnetic material.
A controversial new study has claimed that it is possible to generate electricity using the Earth's rotation, its magnetic ...
A group of U.S.-based physicists has presented experimental evidence suggesting that electricity can be generated from the ...
A trio of physicists from Princeton University, CIT's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and Spectral Sensor Solutions, all in the U.S ...
The Analyzer for Cusp Electrons (ACE) is designed to measure electron activity in the region of the northern magnetospheric ...
Fluid-rock interactions on ancient Mars may have produced abundant magnetic minerals that preserved unusually intense records ...
(AP) - Climate change is already causing all sorts of problems on Earth, but soon it will be making a mess in orbit around the planet too, a new study finds. Researchers at the Massachusetts ...
Public API cache proxy built on the Earth Science Online Video Database, an Airtable base, which also syncs to Zotero and broadcasts new submissions to Discord, Twitter, etc.
Contrary to previous assumptions, the Moon's passage through Earth's magnetic field, or "geotail," does not lead to lower plasma densities. Listen to Story Scientists from the Space Physics Laboratory ...
Space agencies have systems in place to spot, track, and forecast the future orbits of potentially hazardous asteroids. NASA has a network of telescopes used to track near-Earth asteroids, like ...
This amplification effect is undoubtedly at the origin of the majority of astrophysical magnetic fields, such as those of the Sun or Earth,’’ explains Paul ... These magnetars have magnetic dipoles ...
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