One of the three eaglets that recently hatched in the nest of Southern California's famous bald eagle couple Jackie and ...
In this captivating footage, we witness the relentless pursuit of the kangaroo by determined eagles. Swooping down multiple ...
Jackie and Shadow, the bald eagle couple whose parenting journey is livestreamed, laid three eggs this year. One eaglet went ...
Colorado has emerged in recent years as one of the key battlegrounds for the future of wildlife management, with a growing ...
Usually we see crows pecking away at animals killed by vehicles, but this bald eagle saw the opportunity for a quick and easy meal.
Far from the well-trodden tourism path, the Central African nation promises unparalleled access to nature at its wildest.
The Yurok Tribal Government announced the death of Pey-noh-pey-o-wok (which means ‘I am friend or kind or good natured’) in a ...
Welcome to The Palm Beach Post's Pet of the Week, a series in which we feature animals up for adoption in Palm Beach County in hopes of finding them a loving family. Palm Beach County's animal shelter ...
Another chicken flock tests positive for bird flu in Mississippi. What are the risks? How do I know if I have it? What you need to know about avian flu ...
“Placement was important so animals would feel safe,” Clay wrote. Topeka Zoo was the first to breed American golden eagles in ...
WHITE PELICANS (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos) are a normal springtime sighting of big birds as the spring season continues to ...
The NFL’s new year officially kicked off Wednesday, two days after teams began spending big money in free agency.