Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is about to swap out the jungle ... A user stated: His acceptance speech would just be a motivational gym talk. A user went on to say: Relax, this isn’t the multiverse.
Dwayne Johnson has come out in support of a former UFC legend who is currently recovering from a spine surgery.
As reported back in February, Dwayne Johnson is set to star alongside Leonardo DiCaprio and Emily Blunt in an upcoming film ...
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's "Project Rock" released this snooze-button free motivational alarm clock app called "Rock Clock." Complete with amazing alarm tones featuring Johnson himself.
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson-the great wrestling icon-has just ... giving a shoutout to musician @jellyroll615 for his motivational tracks in the background. Johnson, also known as The Great One ...