With the recent warmer weather, many of you may be taking your dogs out for walks once again, and animal agents are reminding ...
Ohio's ineffective dog laws failed many lucky enough to survive a mauling. They often result in years of surgeries, PTSD and ...
A police officer required surgery after she was bitten on the arm by a dog during a Mooroopna arrest. A raft of charges, ...
“Someone out there shot this horribly neglected dog in the head, discarded him like trash, and left him to languish in agony ...
A Llandrindod Wells woman whose dog bit a husband and wife on two separate occasions within four months, will be allowed to ...
Oscar Koon, 8, was severely injured in a mauling on March 2 while playing outside his North Linden home on the 3200 block of ...
Alexandria Hendon and Cierra Graham were identified as the owners of eight dogs that mauled a woman in July 2024 ...
Police have appealed for witnesses after a man was attacked and injured by a Rottweiler in Gamston metres from a primary ...
According to police reports, Daniel Ray Baldwin allowed a known aggressive dog, JJ, to be around a 3-year-old child. Deputies ...
The pup was lovingly named "Patches" by his caretakers at the Greater Birmingham Humane Society. Surveillance footage showed ...