POLLEN: Pollen is what triggers Romeo’s allergies. An allergic reaction to pollen can cause swelling and itching. A dog’s ...
Like humans, sometimes dogs bite their nails. This can be for a number of reasons, from grooming to a medical issue, and many ...
The dog that shot its owner, was identified as Oreo, a one-year-old pit bull. A friend of the victim told media that Oreo is ...
Has your dog been licking and chewing at their paws a lot lately? Allergies might be to blame. Here's what you should know to ...
Dax the Therapy Dog joins two other Cincy therapy dogs in the running for Pet of the Year, a six-week fundraising campaign ...
In my crusade to remedy this canine problem, I play dog relaxation music every afternoon, when Bella and I go upstairs for ...
How do we deal with the salt on walkways and roads, and does it affect our pet’s paws? —Deb, Westminster DEAR DEB: Without ...
A Tennessee man claims he was shot in the leg while in bed with a female friend. On top of that, he says his dog is the one ...
One Memphis man's morning took a bizarre and painful turn when he claimed his dog accidentally shot him while in bed.
PETALING JAYA : A convenience store chain has terminated the services of one of its managers after a video of the individual ...