She might be 90% black lab and 10% golden retriever, but ask anyone at Fieldstone Middle School and they'll say Maybie is pure gold.
As many as 17 goats were killed in an attack by stray dogs in Anthiyur on Tuesday.
You might want to take a closer look next time you toss your trash. An alarming trend is turning everyday dumpsters into ...
While pets are wonderful, their hair poses a serious cleaning challenge. These gadgets solve that problem quickly and easily.
It's that time of year when dodging sudden spring showers on dog walks and clearing up messes left by adventurous outdoor ...
Some kids spend years begging for a dog. When one finally arrives, the joy of adopting a puppy is everything one can hope for ...
A smooch for my pooch. 3. How is this for some tail-wagging fun? 4. I rescued this little fur ball, and now he thinks I'm a ...
Then, about a year before I met Chris, I took a course called ”How to Find Love.”The class explained that the love we learned from our parents, as children, is familiar and therefore the most ...