A dashing and debonaire poodle, the affable weather-forecasting black Lab and even a horse well-versed in the history of ...
As many as 17 goats were killed in an attack by stray dogs in Anthiyur on Tuesday.
You might want to take a closer look next time you toss your trash. An alarming trend is turning everyday dumpsters into ...
Claude-Noëlle Toly’s 275-square-foot studio feels worlds away from Bleecker Street.
Stray female 1 year old Been at shelter since March 20 Very snuggly sweet baby that is for sure a lap dog. Dog: Leona ...
Some kids spend years begging for a dog. When one finally arrives, the joy of adopting a puppy is everything one can hope for ...
Have you ever seen a "teacup werewolf" or a "Himalayan fur goblin?" Here's how one woman is helping shelter dogs get new ...
A smooch for my pooch. 3. How is this for some tail-wagging fun? 4. I rescued this little fur ball, and now he thinks I'm a ...
During a recent excavation on the grounds of a mansion in Slovakia, researchers discovered something remarkable: a Roman ...
Randall Charlton pled not guilty to one first degree misdemeanor count of cruelty to animals Monday, March 17.
He left his paw print on so many people in terms of the experiences that they had with him, including me and my daughter,” ...
After a deadly rollover crash on eastbound I-80 Wednesday night, a family is looking for their dogs that went missing from ...