POLLEN: Pollen is what triggers Romeo’s allergies. An allergic reaction to pollen can cause swelling and itching. A dog’s ...
The first thing you can do at home is just cover the sores and keep him from licking them. Since many of these do not heal as the dog develops a habit of licking them, covering them may be enough to ...
While you’ve been mapping out training schedules, your dog has been napping in the sun ... apply balm when necessary and consider protective booties to help prevent sore paws. Aside from their breed ...
He has been licking his paws and upper leg ... can do at home is just cover the sores and keep him from licking them. Since many of these do not heal as the dog develops a habit of licking ...
A: Even though you mentioned that she is not in any physical distress, the most common reasons for a dog not to want to go on walks anymore at her age are medical reasons (1). You did not mention her ...
LETHAL dog disease Alabama rot remains at its height at this time of year, and the disease has been found in Herefordshire in recent years.
LETHAL dog disease Alabama rot remains at its height at this time of year, and the disease has been found in Herefordshire in ...
A panting dog is quite normal. Unlike humans, dogs don’t have sweat glands and instead sweat through their paws and nose or pant to regulate their body heat. Panting is especially typical on a hot ...