A smooch for my pooch. 3. How is this for some tail-wagging fun? 4. I rescued this little fur ball, and now he thinks I'm a ...
This boy is only 5 weeks old, and he's already a star. Bedlington Terriers aren’t a breed we see often, but they’re ...
A shelter dog has found a forever home after heartbreaking footage of her in the shelter captured hearts across the world. Lila the dog took the internet by storm in a video on TikTok with more than 1 ...
C ocker Spaniels, as a breed, have fluffy, luxurious hair, but when this family got their new Cocker Spaniel puppy, they had ...
Dog owners can face civil lawsuits too ... quarter of the dog bites reported to local health departments and they make up about one-third of the dogs registered as dangerous or vicious.