POLLEN: Pollen is what triggers Romeo’s allergies. An allergic reaction to pollen can cause swelling and itching. A dog’s ...
If your dog is licking their paws non-stop, it might seem like a harmless habit but it could be a red flag for a bigger ...
Jim the Wonder Dog was a setter born in March 1925 in Missouri. He was supposed to be a quail dog, but that didn't quite pan ...
LETHAL dog disease Alabama rot remains at its height at this time of year, and the disease has been found in Herefordshire in recent years.
A vet has warned pet owners of red flags that could ... if you have a light-coloured dog such as a West Highland White Terrier. He said if they have tan-coloured paws, it might be because their ...
The Highland County Dog Pound has the following dogs available for adoption or rescue pulls as of March 17, listed courtesy of the Friends of the Highland County Dog Pound. Transport date is March 20.
LETHAL dog disease Alabama rot remains at its height at this time of year, and the disease has been found in Herefordshire in ...
A: Even though you mentioned that she is not in any physical distress, the most common reasons for a dog not to want to go on walks anymore at her age are medical reasons (1). You did not mention her ...
These products can help provide your dog or cat with exercise ... SereneSilence001 Activated with the touch of a paw, this rechargeable wiggling fish toy will keep your cat entertained without you ...
Bottom line: Grieving can’t be truncated. The sadness and memories can be lasting. Bartels lost her dog, Seymour, last June. “I’m sure I’ll have a hard time again in June when it’s the ...