By asking Catholics to evaluate their faith journey and engagement with their parish, the Disciple Maker Index will help ...
Many Christians still misunderstand who God is, or worse, misrepresent the nature and mission of God, Rob Sellers says.
Plus, events coming up soon in Delco include bingo at Manoa American Legion; spring craft fair at St. Joe’s, Aston; Haverford High School’s jazz concert; and “Legally Blonde: The ...
The Catholic Diocese of Steubenville’s apostolic administrator on Tuesday released a report on the state of the diocese, ...
I don’t know how anybody could do it without faith in God,’ Amy said. ‘But… God watched his Son suffer and Mary watched her ...
As an alumnus of Epiphany Catholic School in Coon Rapids, assistant principal Halina Imsdahl has seen Epiphany staff grow and cultivate the Catholic faith in their students’ lives.
After all, Lent is a purposeful 40-day period of sacrifice and spiritual discipline leading up to Easter Sunday's ...
The third soil with thorns pictures a professing believer whose ... Third, celebrity Christians should seek out biblical discipleship so that they can grow in their faith. This should be done ...
The gospel lectionary reading for Lent 2 in this Year C is Luke 13.31–35, and once again the lectionary does us something of ...