The mouthfeel of persimmons varies dramatically between cultivars, most notably the apple-crisp fuyu meant to be eaten out of hand, and the custardy hachiya, which is best enjoyed with a spoon.
The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society has unveiled its top 10 gardening trends for 2025.
From the depths of winter to the dog days of summer, these native bushes, trees, and vines can help support a variety of ...
What types of sansevieria are commonly grown indoors? The group of plants known as sansevieria is comprised of the species and cultivars formerly classified in the genus Sansevieria. Despite ...
A cultivar is a plant that people have selected for desired traits and which retains those when propagated. This inaugural lecture by Mukulika Banerjee draws on long-term fieldwork among paddy farmers ...
Most peony cultivars don't enjoy excessive heat and humidity, especially during bloom. If you live in USDA Hardiness Zones 8 and above, select early-blooming varieties that bloom before temperatures ...
Flower colors range from white to pink in a profuse springtime display. Highbush blueberry cultivars have an inherent resistance to many diseases of fruit, flower, and foliage. If the home gardener or ...
Current commercial production relies primarily on cultivars of the European species, Corylus avellana, and is centered in regions with Mediterranean-like climates. Today, more than 65% of the world’s ...