Following the release of the series on Netflix last week David Goldberg and David Friedman spoke to Variety about the filming process of the show. They revealed filming for this series took place ...
In the mood to risk your relationship for a shot at reality TV stardom on Temptation Island? Cool, well, turns out the casting process is truly something. As a reminder: This show focuses on four ...
Movie collection is currently up for pre-order on Amazon and at Walmart for $61.99, a nice price for 10 whole movies.
has jumped on worldwide sales rights to multifaceted romantic tragicomedy “Always Winter” (“Siempre es invierno”) the latest movie from David Trueba, a consummate film director and ...
Trump’s former Israeli ambassador David Friedman once informed me, much to the surprise of my bubbe, that I am not, in fact, Jewish. These pompous, self-appointed arbiters of Judaism agree with ...
and former US ambassador to Israel David Friedman. On Sunday, former Anti-Defamation League head Abraham Foxman called out his successor, Jonathan Greenblatt, for participating in the conference.
Barcelona-based Mr. Miyagi Films has clinched a series of territory deals for David Matamoros’ buoyant queer rom-com “Who Wants to Marry an Astronaut?” (“¿Quién quiere casarse con un ...
Former Australian cricketer David Warner is set to make his debut in Indian cinema with his first Telugu film, Robin Hood, which will be released later this month. Warner, known for his cricketing ...
David Ehrlich is the Reviews Editor and Head Film Critic at IndieWire. Based in Brooklyn, where he lives with his wife, their two young children, and a crushing amount of anxiety that he treats ...