A video shared to YouTube by a wildlife researcher shows a coyote and a badger teaming up to hunt prairie dogs.
Kansans will have three opportunities in the coming days to make their voices heard as state wildlife officials gather feedback on night vision coyote hunting season. Laura Clawson with the Kansas ...
Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks to host three public meetings regarding the night vision coyote hunting season.
By Julie Harris, Bangor Daily News Staff A bill that would have eliminated year-round hunting of coyotes was voted ought-not-to-pass Monday afternoon, March 17 by the Legislature’s Standing Committee ...
By Julie Harris, Bangor Daily News Staff Two controversial hunting bills were considered by the Legislature’s Inland ...
AUGUSTA (WGME) – A new bill is taking aim at coyote hunting in Maine. Right now, coyotes can be hunted year-round except on ...
If you spend time outdoors, you’ve probably encountered coyotes howling after sunset, slinking along the edge of your yard, or running whitetails on your deer property. As a clever scavenger and ...
The Michigan Natural Resources Commission could vote as soon as next month on the proposed hunting expansion, which comes just a year after commissioners restricted springtime hunting to avoid ...