A novel porous material capable of separating deuterium (D2) from hydrogen (H2) at a temperature of 120 K (-153°C) has been ...
Photonic crystals are periodic optical structures that can control the flow of light. Multiple reflections from surfaces separated by a distance similar to the wavelength prevent an optical beam ...
Copper is a brownish-orange metal used in countless applications. Commonly found in the electrical industry for its conductive properties, copper is also used in ship lining and jewelry. Construction ...
Thus, the precipitates observed were classified as: CuxS: when the EDS analysis showed the elements copper and sulfur ... indicating that the smaller precipitates led to a finer grain structure. The ...
Department of Chemistry, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington 99164, United States ...
Department of Chemistry, Drexel University, 3401 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104, United States ...
Metals One has announced that it has entered into a Binding Term Sheet in respect of the conditional acquisition of the entire issued share capital of FinnAust Mining Finland Oy.