The year: 1861. The problem: Pro-slavery states had broken away from the Union, rising up in armed revolt as the treasonous ...
The Cleo Redd Fisher Museum’s Speaker Series wraps up on Monday, April 21 with a thought-provoking program titled “Statues, ...
The Levittown fire department and district was one of three on Long Island to recently settle complaints of unlawful ...
The Brookhaven, Levittown and Holbrook fire departments agreed to pay fines and participate in training, as part of ...
The flag, which was flown from a truck during a parade in the community of Bayport-Blue Point, caused an immediate uproar ...
Mississippi is one of four states to still celebrate the holiday, which was established in 1886 following the end of the American Civil War ... featured a confederate symbol, to a magnolia ...
The Confederate battle flag is often viewed as a symbol of racism, having been carried by soldiers during the Civil War who were fighting for the perpetuation of "negro slavery" as stated in the ...