Cara O’Brien, a barista based in Cambridgeshire, uses a bear from Ikea to model her unwanted clothing on Vinted.
The seller has been using her Ikea bear to model clothes for her Vinted account – and the soft toy has plenty of fans ...
The next day, he donned a mask and gloves and armed himself with a kitchen knife before a planned meeting to hand over his ex-girlfriend’s teddy bear in exchange for some of his clothes.
When she asked for her teddy bear back, he replied: "You can collect your ting on Wednesday before skl I’m gonna need my s*** tho from the clothes to the pillows and flowers.” He then showed ...
But the meeting ended in tragedy after the teen, then 17, arrived with a large kitchen knife concealed under his clothing ... while she pleaded for her teddy bear to be returned.
The friend brought a bag of Sentamu’s clothes but he failed to bring her possessions, including a beloved teddy bear which she had left at his home. During the row that followed, Elianne grabbed ...