A nanny whose inattentiveness led to the drowning death of a 3-year-old boy in her care at a park in Tredyffrin Township ...
A plea for mercy from the family of a young child who drowned in a retention pond at a Chester County park has led to the ...
Once again, a state appellate court has upheld a Chester County Common Pleas judge’s decision in a gun-rights case, ...
“Jackie established Chester County’s Drug Court, which became a trailblazer for other Drug Court programs throughout the state. Because of her dedication and hard work, countless lives were save ...
U.S. Census estimates of Pennsylvania’s total population as of July 1, 2024 released on Wednesday show that, once again, ...
The Pennsylvania Superior Court has upheld the state’s prohibition on felons possessing firearms, rejecting an appeal that cited a 2022 ...
Chester County's AgConnect initiative expands to support local agriculture, with a celebratory event at Milky Way Farm.