Compared to last week’s sale, Choice Slaughter Steers and Heifers traded mostly 2.00 higher while Select Steers and Heifers traded 6.00 lower. Lean Dairy Cows traded mostly 2.50 lower. Holstein Bull ...
Norman watched the industry change through the years. Modern technology has made the job easier. In the 1980s they would send ...
So cattle auctions could happen there and she got to know what to do in cattle auctions,” Peterman adds regarding Gabby’s ...
Elwood says the cattle sold for about $4,000, and another $2,00 has also been donated. He anticipates more money to come in ...
“I think it’ll be a cattle auction, and I think that the Maple Leafs will be one of those teams that’ll be right in there,” Marek said. The insider noted that Bennett, like Mitch ...