If you suddenly stop what you’re doing to run to your cat, there is a reward that can be tested over and over and over again.
The emotional anatomy of a cricket fan in Pakistan is held ... Some say that Vigo, the black cat that made a cameo during the match, caused the team bad luck — I would say that the cat was ...
The pub, which dates back to the 19th century, is where more than a dozen cats call their home - and it all happened rather accidentally. When landlord Luke Daniels took over the Bag of Nails pub ...
Be they bitten, picked, filed, or polished, a child's nails can generate a variety of dermatologic disorders. While fewer than 2% of visits to a pediatric dermatology clinic involve conditions ...
Parakeratosis pustulosa (PP) is a cause of distal nail inflammation and nail dystrophy that affects a single digit. It is nonpruritic and minimally painful. This distal digital dactylitis is ...
Cat eye nails are trending, featuring an eye-catching, shimmering finish. This illusion-effect design is perfect for making a statement. Indulge in our roundup of nail styles by pros for inspiration… ...
A cat owner demonstrated a clever hack to cut his feline's nails. Footage shows Fuse Toonyawat covering the top of his head with cellophane in Prachin Buri, Thailand on February 24.
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Longitudinal ridging, which is clinically known as onychorrhexis, occurs on the nails and may appear as vertical striations or lines that originate from the base of the fingernail and continue to ...